Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 9. Augusts 2012, 12:59
joprojám viens no the best dialogiem
- shit. you gonna go through with this divorce thing?
- sure. it's wonderful feeling, you know. Once you realize it's all behind.. all that bitterness and anguish and torment.
- I have been there, but it wasn't like that for me. More it was like some giant hole ripped from my universe.
- Yeah, but you never actually let it go, do you? It's the pain that holds people together, the need to hurt one another. Once that is gone, there is nothing left. Nothing worth saving, anyway.
- I don't accept that. Where is the love, lady?
- the love?
- Yeah, where is that located?
- that's love? torturing each other?
- torture. That sounds like love to me.
- Well you can believe that.
- I believe. That shit is romantic.
- never though you would be one of those types. The ones who suffer in silence.
- no I'm not. I suffer very loudly. You should try it sometime.
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