Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 17. Jūnijs 2009, 03:28
Lost in America

Kinda boring storijs, bet traditional. Tajā visā bija kaut kas pazīstams un saistošs pašreiz in my lifestyle. Bēt nepatika beigas, kas tomēr aizveda uz sākumpunktu, un apliecināja ka, tur kur jau esi, ir viss labāk. Not true though in my opinion. [ lai arī man pārmaiņas nepatīk, šobrīd patiktu, bet ja būtu D.H situācijā, probably would have stayed where he was]

''To those few that have the courage to drop out and find themselves, may God be with you and take you through Utah, avoiding Nevada completely.''

Filma ir 1985. gada, so no surprise that doma ir tāda. not approve this kind of thinking.

David Howard: Shut up Brad! Your song stunk, I hate your suit and I could hurt you!

David Howard: We're in hell. We've entered hell! When?
David Howard: I lost a woman! A whole woman!

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