SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple under the sea. His best friend is a starfish. Are you beginning to feel that your life is about as ridiculous as Bob's? Has everything got a bit of a surrealistic edge? Can you make no sense of what's happening? Do you feel pressured for no good reason? Or, perhaps, for a good reason - but one you would still far rather be immune to? I can't promise that you will soon be freed from feeling as if you have become a cartoon character but things should soon start to get a little less crazy.
Lai cik sasodīti ironiski tas arī nebūtu, pagājušajā inglīš lesson es uz klades stūra aiz boredom arī sāku zīmēt SpongeBob. Kolēģis blakus vēl sasmējās ieraudzījis.
Lai cik sasodīti ironiski tas arī nebūtu, pagājušajā inglīš lesson es uz klades stūra aiz boredom arī sāku zīmēt SpongeBob. Kolēģis blakus vēl sasmējās ieraudzījis.
trokšņi: razorlight - Tabloid Lover
What the fuck you were thinking?