Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 21. Augusts 2010, 01:35
With her little funny eyes of hazel

Acis tā arī šodien neaizlēju, bet sajūtas mazliet notrulināju. Neko vairāk arī nevajag. Tu zini, ka tev ir auksti, bet nejūti. Tu zini, ka m.. , bet nejūti.

There's a little creepy house
In a little creepy place.
Little creepy town
In a little creepy world.
Little creepy girl with
Her little creepy face,
Saying funny things that you've never heard.
Do you know what it's all about?
Are you brave enough to figure out?
Know that you could set your world on fire,
If you're strong enough to leave your doubts.

*You know that I love You.


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