Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 21. Aprīlis 2010, 08:49
ceturdaļdolāram bija taisnība

I've been up but I ain't down
I've been lost but now I'm found
I need a ticket for sure
If you got another seat on the plane
Would you let me go

Interstate freeway green light go
you can even get a plane or a train if the traffic?s slow
I bet you won?t beat me
I?ve been waiting for a mighty long time
So you best believe

[click it ->]I can't wait to get a ride to to California
Cause it makes sense to go to California
If Hollywood is where it?s at let go to California
Cause it makes to sense to go California
Can I get a ride (no) let?s just (go)
LA (whoa) got no money sure
If you was me see you would do the same thing you know

So leave your bags at your mama's door!

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