Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 1. Aprīlis 2010, 01:39
Two agents. One city. No merci.

FBI agent Charlie Wax: Shoot the fucker.
Richard Stevens: I'm not gonna shoot him Wax.
[two men come in and start beating up Reece, Wax shakes his head and continues looking out the window with binoculars. Finally he pulls out a gun and shoots the two men]
FBI agent Charlie Wax: [Walks over to Reece and hands him a big vase] Next time I tell you to shoot the fucker, shoot the fucker!

FBI agent Charlie Wax: This motherfucker hates Americans so much, even though we saved his country's ass in not only one world war but two, he still won't let me through with my cans!

Labs. Travolta elementā. Nevienu brīdi nebija garlaicīgi. Nepamanīju kā laiks pagāja. Ir ok action movie. Yeah, Motherfucker! Bļe, tas ir lipīgi. :P

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