01 Novembris 2019 @ 17:20
Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio  
''In Scorpio, this Mercury retrograde runs deep. Unfazed by horrors and harrowing journeys, the pieces of the past that this transit is sure to exhume will be startling, but necessary. Scorpio keeps privileged information on lockdown. Secrecy is sacred to this sign. When we are privileged enough to be privy to its safes, we can be sure that we are getting the goods. Because Mercury’s retrograde also asks us to reflect on the past, retrieving aspects of ourselves and the energy that got stuck there, there is a double emphasis on connecting the present to our roots. In the process of doing so, in the liminal spaces, we may be able to see another option, another route, or a third way that we hadn’t before. Helping us unlock our minds from the this/that, here/there paradigms we get stuck in, this Mercury retrograde is able to help us connect with an ancestor, an aspect of self, or an email long-lost in our inbox. Whatever it brings back to you, this Mercury retrograde is sure to resurface the perfect piece of information at exactly the right time.''