Forsētas attiecības ar cilvēkiem, forsēti projekti, forsētas draudzības, līšana kaut kādos svešos piedzīvojumos.
Izrādās no turienes comes the bitterness.
There is a method and a strategy for the precious Projector to be heard. It is so very important to wait to be asked to share your wisdom. The most insightful and healing advice will not be heard when it is not asked for. You will be asked to share what you have to offer when you are seen and recognized. The best way to be recognized is to allow your aura to speak for you. Your aura needs no words to be felt. Projectors naturally have penetrating auras that are felt by the other. If you are the right Projector for them, that is, if you have the information and guidance they are specifically seeking, you will be asked for it. Projectors are not here to guide everyone. Each Projector is uniquely endowed with their own special gifts, and these gifts will be called on by those they are meant to guide. Be patient with the process of waiting for the right invitation to share.
This speaks volumes for me.
Invictus - Komentāri
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans