cocking about
other fuckers
Pats Saimnieks
Invictus - 10. Jūnijs 2018
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
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10 Jūnijs 2018 @ 00:36
Snow Patrol
Kad nevar vairs no albuma izvēlēties favorite one .. it's just THAT good all the way.
This isn't like the first time anymore
And I've been chasing after all
Digging for the lost memories Of our youth written in fire
You always said it's not too late for me I sure am listening to you now
Leaving me so I can trust myself
'Cause there's a first time for that too
Snow Patrol - Wildness album
What the fuck you were thinking?
10 Jūnijs 2018 @ 01:05
ir pienācis tas brīdis, kad priecājies, ka telefona baterija ir tikai 9%. Tik dators vēl varētu patvaļīgi atrubīties, lai neļautu turpināties Tev tīmeklī.
Lykke Li - Better Alone
What the fuck you were thinking?
10 Jūnijs 2018 @ 23:07
"Šodien justies dīvaini ir pavisam normāli."
Jā, jo tas mierina.
Dienas nobeigumā piezogas galvassāpes.
What the fuck you were thinking?
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