01 Marts 2015 @ 09:39
Šonakt slēpoju, skrēju pa zaļām kalnu virsotnēm un mazgāju muti dzidrā kalnu strauta ūdenī.
Biju viens, un brīvs un laimīgs. Tad uzradās cilvēki..
01 Marts 2015 @ 13:30

01 Marts 2015 @ 13:38
theory of everything  
Jane Hawking: What about you? What are you?…

Stephen Hawking: Cosmologist, I’m a Cosmologist.

Jane Hawking: What is that?

Stephen Hawking: It is a kind of religion for intelligent atheists.
01 Marts 2015 @ 17:06
time is divided in two parts - before this, and after this.  
''ja viņš cieš, tad labāk likt uz LIELO čuču. :( ''

Vai es spētu pārdzīvot divas beigas?
Meklēju un gaidu, kad kāds cits pateiks un noņems šo atbildības nastu no manis.
Vecais stāsts par sevi un vieglākajiem ceļiem.
01 Marts 2015 @ 17:29
2014 gada labākā filma - Birdman  

Mike Shiner: Popularity is the slutty little cousin of prestige.

Lesley: Why don't I have any self respect?

Laura: You're an actress, honey.

Riggan: Why did we break up?

Sylvia: Because you threw a kitchen knife at me. And an hour later you were telling me how much you loved me.

That's what you always do. You confuse love for admiration.

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