cocking about
other fuckers
Pats Saimnieks
Invictus - 1. Jūnijs 2014
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
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01 Jūnijs 2014 @ 01:22
so it is ..
DT: I hope everyone is having a great Monday!! Mine seems to be a little on the crazy side....
You're a dental technician, you gave up sanity the day you got your certificate;))
What the fuck you were thinking?
01 Jūnijs 2014 @ 01:31
iekod laimes sajūtā
ieeju tualetē un atrodu šokolādi. iekožos, nolieku atpakaļ.
pats atstājis sev mazos pārsteigumus.
What the fuck you were thinking?
01 Jūnijs 2014 @ 15:20
What the fuck you were thinking?
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