09 Februāris 2014 @ 18:08
MKC tagad olimpiskās spēles. Saskatījos uz garšīgiem ēdieniem, vizuāli pieēdos, tagad vizuāli nodarbojos ar sportu.
09 Februāris 2014 @ 20:59
You can't expose the world's secrets without exposing yourself.  

Julian Assange: Man is least himself when he talks with his own person. But if you give him a mask, he will tell you the truth. Two people, and a secret: the beginning of all conspiracies. More people, and, more secrets. But if we could find one moral man, one whistle-blower. Someone willing to expose those secrets, that man can topple the most powerful and most repressive of regimes.

Julian Assange: You can't go far in this world by relying on people. People are loyal until it seems opportune not to be.

Julian Assange: If you want to know the truth... no one is going to tell you the truth. They're only going to tell you their version. So, if you want the truth, you have to seek it out for yourself. In fact, that's where the real power lies... in your willingness to look beyond this story. Any story.

@Fifth Estate : WikiLeaks movie
09 Februāris 2014 @ 21:36
Vēl šnaps palicis, bet ''ievas kokteilītis'' nesanāk, jo švepa nav. Talkā nāca sprite.
Rīt pirmdiena? whateva.
pārāk saraustīta dzīvošana. Negribu. Kaut kā mierīgāk vajag, kaut kā spontānāk, kaut kā ... nokavēju darbu, būšu rīt.
09 Februāris 2014 @ 22:15
:D yeah