27 Oktobris 2012 @ 13:24
Kur biju naktī  

Pastaigājos pa parku. Ārā skaists pavasaris, vasara nezinu, bet ir saulaina, burvīga diena. Cik nu patiesībā pastaigājos, vairāk gan meklēju kādu. Apkārt baigais miers, cilvēki atpūšas, tālumā klusi skaista melodija skan. Biš apmaldos, nonāku jūras krastā. Uzkāpju uz jahtas, kur ir restorāns. Joprojām meklēju. Apkārt redzu tikai slavenības, kas nesteidzīgi pusdieno. Kāpju nost no jahtas pa taisno ūdenī. Eju gar krastu pa tirkīzzilo ūdeni un man sāk piesieties 3 roņi. Spēlēties grib. Smaidu, rotaļājos ar šiem.

To dream of a seal is usually a very lucky dream. Seals are thought by some cultures to be dream guides, the effortless swimmers who glide through the waters of the imagination, taking you where you need to be to unearth your innermost self. They denote spirituality, creativity and offer a bridge between the divide of the conscious and the subconscious. Then again, some believe seals to be a harbinger of deception and foul play. It is all dependent on the context of your dream...

Seal: To see a seal in your dream, indicates your playfulness and your ability to use and incorporate differing ideas and thoughts into a situation. Seals are a symbol of good luck, success, and spiritual understanding. It also signifies prosperity, faithful friends, and security in love. The dream symbol may also be a pun and indicate you need to put closure on some situation.

Pēdējais teikums kā reiz piedūra.

27 Oktobris 2012 @ 14:40
Goodbye Heartbreak  

You have so much love that you can't afford to lose.

Gribas kliegt - tā nevar dzīvot, laid vaļā!

Vai vienkārši - nemeklē mani, jo man tevi nevajag ne tagad, ne vēlāk, nekad.

And I feel like I'm breaking
Running round for nothing
But I'll be all right
I'm not a million miles from seeing the daylight
That's where I'm going

nospļauties, pateikt ''piediršu'' un aizvalsēt prom. Kas šodien par planetāro stāvokli, a? visādas hujilas nāk ārā.


trokšņi: Lighthouse Family - End of The Sky
27 Oktobris 2012 @ 15:29

vispirms izsvīdināšu šito just do it stilā un tad nomazgāšu. A to bļe kaut kāds liegs kilograms '' emocionālo/morālo sūdu'' pa virsu. Vnk izžmiegt sevi gribas. No iekšpuses un ārpuses.


trokšņi: Gramatik - Born Ready
27 Oktobris 2012 @ 18:37
Kāds jau izrādās šo stāstu bija uzrakstījis  

Kosheen - Damage

Don't lose your head,
I know the damage has been done,
I know that I was in the wrong;
I should have told you.

What can I say
has probably been said,
you probably wish that I was dead,
and I don't blame you.

You won't believe me, but okay,
it wasn't meant to be this way,
but at the end of the day
I still love you.

I'll walk away, so dry your eyes,
can I just apologize?
I know I've hurt you—
I didn't mean to.

Look at the damage we have done,
(look at the damage,
I thought you were the one,
(look at the damage,
look at the damage we have done,
broken dreams and shattered love;
what can we salvage?
Look at the damage.

To tell the truth,
this didn't happen overnight
just like we lost the will to fight,
about a year ago.

Just got too familiar
and started living separate lives,
we wanted different things
and didn't communicate—'till it was too late.

You drifted further from my mind,
we were so easily untied,
it's unbelievable.

Don't be unkind, you'll come undone;
you're still a child at 21,
so go ahead—find someone
who really needs you.

Look at the damage we have done,
(look at the damage,
I thought you were the one,
look at the damage,
look at the damage we have done,
broken dreams and shattered love;
what can we salvage?
Look at the damage.

trokšņi: Kosheen - Damage
27 Oktobris 2012 @ 22:53
Ak, mani jaukie draudziņi. Iepeldēja pie manis L. ar vīnu. Kā jūt, kas savējiem vajadzīgs. Dabūju ar mazliet atslābt. Siltāk palika, pavisam noteikti.
trokšņi: kosheen - hide u