29 Septembris 2012 @ 14:36
pamodies ar morālu nogurumu  
I... I can't get this memories out of my mind.
And some kind of Madness,
Has started to evolve.

And I... I tried so hard to let you go.
But some kind of Madness,
Is swallowing me whole, yeh.

I have finally seen the light.
And I... have finally realized.
What you mean...
And now, I need to know if it's real love.
Or is it just Madness,
Keeping us afloat, mmm.

And when I look back, at all the crazy fights we have,
Like some kind of M-m-madness,
Was taking control, yeh.
And now I have finally seen the light,
And I... have finally realized,
What you need, mmm.

And now I have finally seen the end,
And I'm... I'm expecting you to care,
And I... have finally seen the light,
And I... have finally realized,


Capture me,
Trust in your dream,
Come on and rescue me.
Yes, I know, I can't move on,
Baby, you're too head-strong.
Our love is...

Samurgots šonakt atkal daudz, pirms pilnmēness sindromi. Freids uzkārtos.
Knapi no gultas izrāpos.
trokšņi: Muse - Madness
29 Septembris 2012 @ 18:54
Как вам сегодня занятся сексом?
heishy, сегодня Вам рекомендуется занятся Оральным сексом на столе.

Тесты на Libo.Ru
29 Septembris 2012 @ 21:30
Pilnmēness galīgi sūknē mani ārā. Šodien gandrīz vai nekustos ne no vietas. A varbūt tāpēc, ka vakar bija tik ļoti, ļoti labi no sākuma līdz beigām.
Nu nekas, mēs šovakar pa mierīgo un Ice Age 4 .