24 Septembris 2012 @ 00:14
How i used to be  

Svētdienas rīts šitā ieskanējās pie kafijas krūzes un kārtējā pasēdējiena uz palodzes.


.. I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something

Hold on
Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why

But Im not crazy, Im just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
Im not crazy, Im just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to

trokšņi: Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
24 Septembris 2012 @ 09:59
Pamosties uz ieraudzīt šitādu draņķi aiz loga.
Kakls ar atkal kaut ko sāp.
24 Septembris 2012 @ 10:34
24 Septembris 2012 @ 11:40
Atvadu vēstule.
24 Septembris 2012 @ 12:12
Nevelk tur ārā laukā. Šodien mati smuki iegulējušies un bojāt ar negribas. So nahrenizēju 1dienu.
Jāsēž un jāārstējas ar mūziku un balzāmiņu.
trokšņi: Electric Six - I'm the Bomb
24 Septembris 2012 @ 19:27
Norwegian Wood  
- Both of us have a lot of feelings we need to get out in the open. So if you want to take those feelings and smash somebody with them, smash me. Then we can understand each other better.
- So if you understand me better, what then?
- You don't get it do you? It's not a question of 'what then'. Some people get a kick out reading railway timetables and that's all day do all day. Some people make huge model boats out of matchsticks. So what's wrong if there happens to be one guy in the world who enjoys trying to understand you?
- kind of like a hobby ..?
- Yeah, I guess you can call it a hobby. most normal people would call it friendship or love or something, but if you want to call it a hobby, tha't OK, too.
- how come you always like people like us? weird, twisted, drowning in ourselves. Why can't you like normal people?
- Because I don't see you like that.
24 Septembris 2012 @ 21:16
kolēģis pakratīja sirdi  
Dzīvē nav taisnības. Labi, ka šodien neizlīdu no midzeņa. Profesors ir nodevis pa pilnu programmu. Droši vien nebūtu izturējis. Viens no savējiem jau paspējis nolamāties pa šiem diviem gadiem pirmo reizi.
Uz citu rēķina tiek drātēti visi un dažu bezkaunībai nav ne gala, ne malas.