cocking about
other fuckers
Pats Saimnieks
Invictus - 13. Augusts 2012
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
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13 Augusts 2012 @ 16:21
Don't think about those things you feel, just be glad to be here.
What the fuck you were thinking?
13 Augusts 2012 @ 16:31
Tīru un kārtoju visu ap sevi. Taisu caurvēju mājā un galvā. Pēc ''iztīrīšanās'' tā jāpiepilda ar kaut ko noderīgu. Jo es tak šobrīd dzīvoju saviem turmākajiem 12 gadiem.
What the fuck you were thinking?
13 Augusts 2012 @ 18:12
motivējos laicīgi
What the fuck you were thinking?
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