Smuks rītiņš aiz loga.
Un mani centieni ir pamanīti. Malā-acis :)
Aj, ir forši.
Vientulīgās pārdomās dzims vērtīgas idejas.
šodien it kā tā vērtīgo ideju diena ja. Nu nezinu, kas man te vērtīgs, bet vientulīgas domas paspēja pieslieties gan. Jāiet atmiekšķēties un padomāt vēl. Varbūt tiešām, kas vērtīgs izlaužas.
So many people need to be taken care of. There are so many lost souls to be saved, so many damsels in distress to be rescued. Surely, they can't all be relying on you? Even if your white charger is tireless, even if you strive day and night to be heroic, you can't solve everything for everyone. And there is another little issue now: who is looking after you? Is it time to let someone else help you? Why should you balk at this idea? Surely, it is only fair after all the efforts that you have gone to on behalf of others lately.
Tā ir. Esmu aizrāvies ar citiem. A kad man kāds kaut ko, m? Nu tā, nelūdzot, nesaucot. Un pat ja redzēt nevar, uzjautātu vai nevajag. ...Priekš kam to.