28 Maijs 2012 @ 00:07
miegains bet skumjš.  
Alus mani skumdina.
Vai arī PV pie vainas.
trokšņi: PV - no ziemeļiem
28 Maijs 2012 @ 15:24
tualetes jociņi.  
Iestrēgu tualetē, jo beidzās tualetes papīrs, lai gan nebiju domājis dirst. Nosēdēju stundu, nevienu nesagaidīju, kas man varētu atnest papīrīti. Nospļāvos un plikdirsis aizgāju pats pakaļ.

Cilvēkiem patīk klausīties, kapu, morga un tualetes tēmu jociņus.
28 Maijs 2012 @ 21:26
What Kind of Body Language Describes You?
Your Result: "Easy Goin' Peep"

You're never in a hurry - you're happiest avoiding conflict and staying laid-back. You even keep your hands in your pockets alot, which shows you aren't very worried. You keep your weight on one foot where you are and stay comfortable. You make people at ease, and you're always ready to be an awesome listener.

"The Thinker"
"Fun Chum"
Leading Lady/Man
What Kind of Body Language Describes You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
28 Maijs 2012 @ 23:26
Šodien ļoti daudz sanāca pateikt ''nē''. Es nekad to neesmu pratis. Ir īstais laiks, la iemācītos un saprastu, ka reizēm arī tas ir vajadzīgs.