27 Septembris 2011 @ 01:26
again sleeping with my lil' fella  

27 Septembris 2011 @ 16:03
After losing his job, a middle-aged man reinvents himself by going back to college.  

Dr. Matsutani
: They call them smart phones, but only dummies use them in my class.

Dr. Matsutani: This is college, there's only two things you can't do: smoke in the building and use your phone in my class.

Nezinu kāpēc, bet pirmais, kas nāk prātā ir mīļa filma. Es domāju, ka tas dēļ Toma Henka. Kā liels teddy lācis. Svētdienas vakaram noteikti derēs. Man derēja arī šodien, jo tas bij tieši tas ko prasījās.

27 Septembris 2011 @ 21:38
Pareizi pateica, ja nav tēva uz pasaules, tad nav.  
Tāds naids manī šobrīd sēž.

trokšņi: Disturbed - Conflict
27 Septembris 2011 @ 22:19
but i am sick of trying because the world doesn't care  
It's not a happy-ever-after you need now, just a happy-for-the-time-being. And you can have that.