cocking about
other fuckers
Pats Saimnieks
Invictus - 20. Februāris 2011
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
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20 Februāris 2011 @ 01:14
Kad esmu 3 dienas nemazgājies, mati nedēļu nav saņēmuši ūdens devu, neskuvies 2 ned., es paskatos spogulī un liekos sev simpātiskāks. Objektīvs ar līdz šim nav melojis.
Kylie Auldist - In a week, in a day
20 Februāris 2011 @ 02:04
uztver to kā komplimentu
What the fuck you were thinking?
20 Februāris 2011 @ 14:30
And not a single fuck was given that day. I say - fuck it.
Bļ* maks tukšs! FFFFFUUUUU-!!
the blackout - higher and higher
What the fuck you were thinking?
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