07 Novembris 2010 @ 19:23
Vērsis – Jaunava – Mežāzis

Zemes zīmēs dzimušais ir apveltīts ar praktisku, reālistisku raksturu, viņš vienmēr droši stāv uz zemes. Tās ir stabilitātes, izturības, noteiktības, neatlaidības, precizitātes, arī aprēķina zīmes. Cilvēks, kura horoskopā dominē zemes elements, vienmēr zina, ka jāpabeidz iesāktais un nekad neapstājas pusceļā. Daži no zemes pārvaldītiem cilvēkiem ir ļoti lēni, klusi, atturīgi, kritiski, taču tā kā viņi ir izturīgi, viņiem bieži piemīt dzelzs griba.

Zeme – tās ir arī jūtas, nepieciešamība justies ērti un materiāli nodrošinātiem. Praktiska dzīve. Šajās zīmēs dzimušie spēj sadusmoties ne pa jokam un izraisīt pamatīgu plosīšanos, vētru, kas norims ļoti lēni…
trokšņi: Snow Patrol
07 Novembris 2010 @ 19:25
Show me the world as I would love to see it  

I often dream about the Dolphin Hotel.

In these dreams, I'm there, implicated in some kind of ongoing circumstance. All indications are that I belong to this dreams continuity.
The Dolphin hotel is distorted, much too narrow. It seems more like a long, covered bridge. A bridge stretching endlessly through time. And there I am, in the middle of it. Someone else is there too, crying.
The hotel envelopes me. I can feel it's pulse, it's heat. In dreams, I'm part of the hotel.

I wake up, but where? I don't just think this, I actually voice the question to myself: 'Where am I?' As if I didn't know: I'm here. In my life. A feature to the world that is my existence. Not that I particualry recall ever having approved these matters, this condition, this state of affairs in which I feature. There might be a woman sleeping next to me. more often, I'm alone. Just me and the expressway that runs right next to my apartment and, beside, a glass (five milimiters of whiskey still in it) and the malicious - no, make that indifferent - dusty morning light. Sometimes it's raining. If it is, I'll just stay in bed. and if there's whiskey still left in the glass, I'll drink it. And I'll look at the raindrops dripping from the eaves, and I'll think about the Dolphin Hotel. Maybe I'll stretch, nice and slow. Enough for me to be sure I'm myself and not part of something else. Yet I'll remeber the feel of the dream. so much that I swear I can reach out and touch it, and the whole of the something that includes me will move. If I strain my ears, I can hear the slow, cautious sequence of the play take place, like droplets in an intricate water puzzle falling, step upon step, one after the other. I listen carefully. That's when I hear someone softly, almost imperceptibly, weeping. A sobbing from somewhere in the darkness. Someone is crying for me.
trokšņi: Snow Patrol - the planets bent between us
07 Novembris 2010 @ 22:32
Es izliekos, ka rakstu, un iešūpojies tādā garā arī turpinu.  
Sāk palikt auksti mājās. Protams, kā minuss aiz loga, tā apkuri vari sev dirsā iespraust. Jāsūta laikam BF's būs uz Poliju atpakaļ pēc ingvera tējas ar medu. Tā te kaut kad divas dienas dzērām un sāpošais kakls pazuda. Vēl jau biš ir tā tēja, bet tūlīt būs cauri. Nez vai LV plauktos tāda ir.
Kaut kādas iesnas iemetušās, nevar saprast. Veco padomju laiku ''zvaigznīti'' smērēju nāsīs. Liekas, ka visu deguna gļotādu izēdīs.
Rīt māte piekodināja, ka agri izbrauksim, lai laicīgi eju gulēt. Bet, kad šitā pasaka, protams, ne sūda vairs negribas agrāk iet gulēt. 100 punkti aiziešu pēdējā brīdī. Bet tuvojas fucked up nedēļa, kad 3 dienas pavadīšu skolā līdz vēlam vakaram. [ laikam guļammaiss jāņem līdzi ]
trokšņi: Rise Against - Hero of War