05 Novembris 2010 @ 01:21
saucas - neuztveru dzīvi nopietni  

Man jādzīvo Karību salās un vispār esmu unikāls. How fucking random is that at 2:00am?
Jāiet uzpīpēt.

nespriežu, cik produktīvs darbs man var būt rīt. p.s. nedrīkstu aizmirst uzkačāt ipod, citādi aizmigšu 'dzeltenajā' kādam uz pleca rīt un aizbraukšu līdz Varakļāniem. [not that it's possible]
trokšņi: Eric Church - smoke a little smoke
05 Novembris 2010 @ 02:52
You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies  

Eduardo Saverin
: Sorry, my Prada is at the cleaners, along with my hoodie and my 'fuck you' flip-flops, you pretentious douche bag!

Sean Parker: Drop the "the". Just "Facebook". It's cleaner.

Gage: Mr. Zuckerberg, do I have your full attention?
Mark Zuckerberg: [stares out the window] No.
Gage: Do you think I deserve it?
Mark Zuckerberg: [looks at the lawyer] What?
Gage: Do you think I deserve your full attention?
Mark Zuckerberg: I had to swear an oath before we began this deposition, and I don't want to perjure myself, so I have a legal obligation to say no.
Gage: Okay - no. You don't think I deserve your attention.
Mark Zuckerberg: I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try - but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention - you have the minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.
Mark Zuckerberg: Did I adequately answer your condescending question?
05 Novembris 2010 @ 16:38
You can't start the fire without a spark  
Gulējis divas stundas. Stundu agrāk aizmočījis līdz šūlei. Praksē atkal iekavējis. Nekam nederīgs ZT, bet viss kaut kā pie dirsas. [ un šito izdziedāt, lūdzu] Tā kā tāds idiņš, kas dejo tumsā.
Atkal vilkos ar kājām līdz centram, šoreiz ne viens, tāpēc ceļš likās īsāks. Apdzinām veselus divus troļus. So gājiens bija worth it. Uz brīdi sajutāmies kā pavasarī. Laicīgi arī uzspēju uz tikšanos un nodevu savu kārtējo grāmatu labās rokās.
šodien pie maršrutniekiem vazājas dievīgs tomāts. Viņš man pamāja. Es ar.
trokšņi: Heay - That Kind of Man