17 Jūlijs 2010 @ 18:31
Never drive faster than your angel can fly.  
Dzīvotājs būs, bet mācība nebūs nekad.

-Garlaicīgi? nav ar ko aprunāties?
- Njaah..
- parunā ar kokiem.
- heh.
- Bet zini, viņi uzklausa.
- Viņiem būtu daudz vairāk un daudz interesantākas lietas ko pastāstīt.

Maybe our lives are messy, but every single problem that hits us with its hardest, makes us stronger and brings us closer to each other.
That is how I felt today.
I will show another me.
Today I don't need a replacement.
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant.
trokšņi: Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill