- 1.
- 07:47: Only a few things are really important.
08:32: (no subject) - izteicās
11:37: mazāk kā pēc 6 min.
14:08: Wine is fine but whisky's quicker.
20:22: The sun is chirping. The birds are shining. The water's wet. Life is good, sweetheart. Life is good.
22:18: blowing smoke halos
- 2.
- 15:29: it makes my wiener feel weird..but thats just me
21:08: $
- 3.
- 11:52: Trešais neveiksminieks
17:35: Rehab is for Quitters
- 4.
- 20:20: www.G-Bergs.lv
21:43: Californication
22:07: (no subject)
- 5.
- 06:58: There is no right or wrong. Just the consequences of your actions.
- 6.
- 07:27: Goodmorning L.A.
14:31: MyLifeIsAverage
18:07: heh
- 8.
- 22:36: making necklaces of Cleopatra
- 11.
- 22:31: MD House: ''I care about our friendship more than a dying patient''
- 12.
- 08:14: whata, whata?!
15:50: I hate my work place
22:06: suckers & motherfuckers grow in trees
- 13.
- 07:41: Now you're giving me that look, right now, look like I fingerbanged your cat
10:10: If there is no struggle, there is no progress.
22:01: don't even trip
- 14.
- 16:30: You might Die Trying
23:11: ļuļķēju cigāru zobos un..
- 15.
- 03:28: uz mazās tāfelītes ir rakstīts ''wwdi''
17:34: nenormāli, normāls stāsts - izteicās
21:02: Funny the way it is ..
21:11: It's all about you
- 16.
- 09:24: He laughed a lot and was kind to everyone.
- 17.
- 01:09: šitā gūgel tūlkotājrīkjosla ir viena funny padarīšana
17:57: amerikāņu pīrāgs
- 18.
- 03:58: Kapiš
20:30: VērsS
- 19.
- 08:16: woops
15:01: ''where is my red ball?''
19:19: Man ir depresija, man nav vietas!
- 20.
- 07:09: šuks does not approve >_
16:10: spray or not to spray, that's the question
- 21.
- 15:02: death changes everything
- 23.
- 12:56: There is just one life for each of us: our own.
16:27: The people one knows
- 24.
- 12:17: Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
19:37: Bob's & Ray's humor
- 25.
- 01:01: extra stunda
15:40: 515 Unfaithful
- 26.
- 09:29: .
- 27.
- 14:18: Halovīnīgs fīlings - izteicās
- 28.
- 10:41: sūds
Invictus - Oktobris 2009
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans