30 Septembris 2009 @ 07:02
rīta pozitīvisms.  
Imagine a rollercoaster with no ups or downs, a novel with no villains, a story with no dramatic light and shade. We don't really want any aspect of our lives to be flat. We just want to feel that when it's getting bumpy we are going to be okay. We want to feel that, just as there have been twists and turns that have unsettled us, there will soon be more unexpected changes that will make up for everything. And so there will be, as long as we trust - and keep on trusting - and don't give up. Whatever has 'gone wrong', can yet come right.
30 Septembris 2009 @ 19:57
Light Of Day*  
We'll always make it through the day
There's always gonna be a better way
Always be someone else's way
Even when we know we've gone too far
Closer to the edge is so much further
Than we'll get without a car
And everyone's lookin for some place
They're just killing more time than space
Some nights I wish that the sun would
Never show its face

You're so beautiful at night
The moon's got a way of lighting you
The way no picture is ever goin to
Even when the stars begin to weep
We'll laugh at the expense of all their grief
You never made me feel like I'm a creep
And everyone's lookin for some space
We're just killing time all over this place
Some nights I wish that the sun would
Never show its face
Wouldn't want to face the light of day
With anyone like I'll face the night with you

Just look at everyone
No one really knowing why they're here
Tryin so hard not to disappear
Doesn't take a lot to make you dance
We're making such a scene
With two left feet
Never even sing or hear the beat
And everyone's looking for some place
They're just killing more time in haste
Some nights it feels like the moon is
Just a light above our graves
trokšņi: Tommy Stinson - Light Of Day
30 Septembris 2009 @ 20:53
sad in the face  
I need someone to show me the things in life that I cant find
I cant see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind.

Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal.

And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but its too late .
trokšņi: Gus black - paranoid
30 Septembris 2009 @ 22:33
Lab, pietiks gruzīties, back to normal xD  
Vīrs sēž mājās un skatās futbolu, sieva viņu iztraucē:

-Mīļais, vai tu varētu salabot gaitenī gaismu? Tā tur raustās jau nedēļām.

Viņš uz viņu paskatās un dusmīgi saka:

-Salabot tagad gaismu? Vai izskatās, ka man uz pieres rakstīts „Latvenergo”? Nedomāju vis.

-Labi, tad sieva jautā, Nu tad tu varētu salabot ledusskapim durvis? Tās kārtīgi neveras ciet.

Uz ko viņš atbildēja:

-Salabot ledusskapja durvis? Vai izskatās, ka man uz pieres rakstīts „Santehnikas remonts”? Nedomāju vis.

-Labi, viņa saka, tad vismaz tu varētu salabot kāpnes durvju priekšā? Tās drīz salūzīs.

-Es neesmu namdaris un nevēlos labot kāpnes, viņš saka. Vai izskatās,

ka man uz pieres rakstīts „Zemesgrāmata”? Nedomāju vis. Man pietiek.

Eju uz bāru.

Tā viņš aiziet uz bāru un pāris stundas dzer.....

Vīrs sāk justies vainīgs par to, kā izturējies pret sievu un nolemj iet mājās.

Viņš pieiet pie mājas un pamana, ka trepes ir jau salabotas. Ieiet

mājā, redz, ka gaisma gaitenī salabota. Iet pēc alus, pamana, ka

ledusskapja durvis salabotas.

-Dārgā, viņš jautā, kā tas viss tika salabots?

Viņa: -Zini, kad tu aizgāji, es apsēdos pie mājas un raudāju. Tieši tad

kāds jauks jauns vīrietis gāja garām un jautāja, kas kaišot. Es

izstāstīju. Viņš piedāvāja visu salabot, un pretī prasīja vien to, lai

es dodos ar viņu uz gultu vai izcepu kādu torti.

Viņš: - Kādu torti tad tu viņam izcepi?

Viņa: -Hallooo! Vai man uz pieres rakstīts "Mārtiņa Beķereja"? Nedomāju vis.