18 Septembris 2009 @ 06:52

Veselu stundu atspiedu ''vēl 5 min.'' Līdz ar to, pamodiens ar novēlošanos. Bet pirmā vēsture. oh, what the hell.. Un kas tas par horoskopu?

Tevi vienmēr var pavedināt ar gabalu tortes vai cita kā našķīga. Pašdisciplīna kapitulē :)

Ko tas man izsaka? Pašdisciplīna čupā, jā. To jau var novērot šorīt. Oho, kāds visu dienu tup [vēl joprojām] pie datora un bliež pa pogām [ un nejau viens, of course] I bet it's not an easy task :D Bet pozitīvi, tad jau es ceru uz atbildi arī manam msg. EHEM!


18 Septembris 2009 @ 21:27
So what is the scuttlebutt?  

Wuhū. Viens seriāliņš jau sācies - The Office. Noskatījos pirmo sēriju ''Gossip''.

M.S. : I hate, hate being left out. Whether it's not being picked for a team... or being picked for a team and then showing up and realizing the team doesn't exist. Or that the sport doesn't exist! I should've known. "Poop ball?"

M.S. : Oh my God! Wait a second-- do people often say they're going on sales calls and then go someplace else? Because that's not cool.

Kevin: [irate] Who's been saying there's another person inside of me, working me with controls!?

Michael Scott: How do you untell something? You can't. You can't put words back in your mouth. What you can do, is spread false gossip... so people think that everything that's been said is untrue. Include that Stanley is having an affair. It's like the end of Spartacus. I have seen that movie half a dozen times and I still don't know who the real Spartacus is. And that is what makes that movie a classic whodunnit.

Ofisssss ^_^ Laba manta, laba.


18 Septembris 2009 @ 22:41
I'm Lovin it  
Woow [Deivids style] , pie manis brauc maķīša pārtika. Es nedrīkstot migt ciet, jo man būšot jāēd. But it's cousins treat, she figured out what i would want.
Bet nu bāāigi nāk miegs.
18 Septembris 2009 @ 23:44
autors nezināms  
"Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in the most profound way''