13 Jūnijs 2009 @ 02:22
Visa dzīve vienos PĪ-kstuļos [Dusmu menedžments]  

... ''Daudziem tikai divas iespējas - mirt paēdušam vai dzīvot badā.''

horiķis: Cilvēki tevi nesaprot, un viņu uzceltās barjeras būs jāpacenšas pārvarēt ar komunicēšanos. [blah blah blah]

Garastāvoklis:: skumīgs
trokšņi: Deadmau5 - I Remember
13 Jūnijs 2009 @ 12:00
Hey everyone, just checking in, it's Hei$! ;)  

Pirksti niezēja uzraktīt šito frāzi. ;D So, dropped by to say that katru dienu arvien vairāk sastopos ar to, cik radakājām ir pohuj ^_^ šodien lielāku cūcību nevarēja izstrādāt, but be aware, kad to dabūs zināt Lielās acis xD ...
I sooo want to get away from here. :P You have no idea, guys. [sigh]

Really, just stop fucking with my head! >_<


Garastāvoklis:: pissed off
trokšņi: Sevendust - face to face
13 Jūnijs 2009 @ 16:53
Heavy Metal Baby  
trokšņi: Jamie Scott - Made
13 Jūnijs 2009 @ 17:50
Zombijs [lai gan pat zombijs ir labāks par mani, tas vismaz Loves brain]  
Kaut kāds tukšums iekšā sēž.
Garšīga konča.

Otrs mājas telefons pazudis, jāiet meklēt.
trokšņi: Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
13 Jūnijs 2009 @ 20:26

Yorish: I say that civilization is an illusion, a game of pretend. What is real is the fact that we are still animals, driven by primal instincts. As a psychiatrist, you must know this to be true.
Carol: To be honest, ambassador, when someone starts talking to me about the truth, what I hear is what they're telling me about themselves more than what they're saying about the world.

''In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence. Well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.''