05 Jūnijs 2009 @ 12:03  

Laba humora deva jau no paša rīta ! ;D

bet priecē šitā smukā fīča Jūrmalā

05 Jūnijs 2009 @ 15:20
''Robot Chicken'' quotes  
Leonardo: Tubular!
Raphael: Radical!
Donatello: Awesome!
Michealangelo: Reaganomics!

Child: Is this gonna hurt?
Doctor: Only if God hates you.

Ironhide: Wow, Prime sure has to urinate a lot.
Prowl: Yea! He must be French, cuz he's-a-peein'! Ha ha ha!
Ironhide: Uhh, I think that's "*You're* a-peein'"
Prowl: He he he... but... I'm not.
Ironhide: Ugh, such a Retardicon.

Darth Vader: Luke... I am your father!
Luke Skywalker: Noooo! That's impossible!
Darth Vader: It's true! And Princess Leia is your sister!
Luke Skywalker: That's... improbable.
Darth Vader: And the Empire will be defeated by Ewoks!
Luke Skywalker: That's... highly unlikely...
Darth Vader: And as a kid, I built C-3PO!
Luke Skywalker: ...wha?
[time passes]
Darth Vader: And you know that all-powerful Force? That's really just microscopic bacteria called Midichlorians!
Luke Skywalker: [smoking a cigarette] Look, if you're not gonna take this seriously, I'm outta here!

"i wont let you chisel my nizzel"

''Skeleton farted!''
Garastāvoklis:: jautrs
trokšņi: Von Iva - Living for it
05 Jūnijs 2009 @ 19:55
Operation Valkyrie ''Das Folgende beruht auf wahren begebenheiten''  

Henning von Tresckow: You scared me half to death.
Col. Claus von Stauffenberg: You'll be closer than that before we're finished.

Col. Claus von Stauffenberg: We have to kill Hitler.

Ludwig Beck: Remember, this is a military operation. Nothing ever goes according to plan.

Adolf Hitler: The Valkyrie; handmaidens of the gods, choosing who will live and who will die, sparing the most heroic from an agonizing death. One cannot understand National Socialism if one does not understand Wagner.

General Friedrich Fromm: What is it you want?
General Friedrich Olbricht: I wanted to introduce our new man, Colonel Stauffenberg.
General Friedrich Fromm: Ah! From Africa. Well, I'd offer you my hand, but I might not get it back.
Col. Claus von Stauffenberg: I'd say the General's lost more important things this morning.
General Friedrich Fromm: [laughs] It's about time they put somebody with balls into this office.

Col. Claus von Stauffenberg: Gentlemen, in three hours I want confirmation that the government quarter is ours and SS Command has been cleared of every living soul. You all know what must be done. By nightfall I want to know that Hitler's Germany has seen it's last sunrise.

The July 20 plot was the last of 15 known attempts by germans to assassinate Adolpf Hitler. Nine months later, with Berlin surrounded, Hitler committed a suicide.


05 Jūnijs 2009 @ 20:06
sacrificing election for money  
Hmm. Rīt ir iespēja aizbraukt un nopelnīt. ]:) why not? Un rīt pie reizes varētu neiet uz tām sasodītajām vēlēšanām. Man liekas mūsu valstī nekāds sods par to nepienākas ne? vienīgi sirdsapziņas pārmetumi *šņuk* kas man jau nu noteikti izpaliks. -_-
Nez joprojām ir tā debīlā tradīcija dot puķi tiem, kas pirmo reizi ieradušies? Tā dēļ vien būtu vērts iet ''palaizīt'' aploksnes.