03 Aprīlis 2009 @ 10:52
piečārs nav?  
- kas Tu jukusi, guli vēl?! ko telefonu necel?
- jā xD cik tad pulkstenis?
- 11 vēl nav x] Lab guli, bet nepārāk ilgi xD

Lol. Brother. *smirk*

Labi vien ir ka piecēla. Nav ko nogulēt brīvdienas.
Jāaiziet līdz mežam paskriet.
Garastāvoklis:: domīgs
trokšņi: fatboy slim - push the tempo
03 Aprīlis 2009 @ 18:19
Nu, vai tas ir vajadzīgs?  
03 Aprīlis 2009 @ 22:18
Chris Cornell  

''Scream'' labs albūmiņš.

So open promise fades
and the sun forgets to rise
I'm lonely and I'm thirsty
but it's better I stay dry
No more than two drinks away
from crying
/Hidden song: Two drinks Minimum/

Es to saucu par softīgo blūziņu.


Garastāvoklis:: iznirelis
trokšņi: Chris Cornell - watch out
03 Aprīlis 2009 @ 23:04
Harley Davidson & Marlboro Man  
Marlboro: He's gonna steal my woman, I'm gonna steal his bike.

Marlboro: My old man told me, before he left this shitty world, the right woman can make ya, and the wrong woman can break ya.

Marlboro: I ain't leaving here until I have five big bills in my pocket or your woman in my bed.

Marlboro: You know, that gun costs about two dollars every time you fire it. That's two bucks a bullet.
Harley Davidson: Well how many'd I hit?
Marlboro: You spent twelve dollars and didn't hit a goddamn thing. I nailed one and it cost about four and a quarter.

Harley Davidson: It's better to be dead and cool, than alive and uncool.
Garastāvoklis:: nostaļģisks
trokšņi: Chris Cornell - Long Gone