Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 26. Decembris 2009, 23:18
In the near future, you don't live to play... you'll play to live.

See, nano-cells are real small. A thousand times smaller than these dust particulars. You inhale it. They go to work; replicating, spreading like a virus, multiplying in exponentials. Six months time, I can have a hundred million people converted. Ditch diggers, porn stars, and presidents. Not one would be the wiser. A hundred million people who buy what I want them to buy, vote how I want them to vote, do pretty much damn well anything I figure they ought to do.

Fuckn' good shit by Lionsgate. Pilnīgi sagribējās salaist lodes gaļā. Tā kārtīgi, lai locekļi lido un zarnas šķīst pa gaisu. [ izklausos kā ritīgs sīkais, kurš saskatoties bloodbath ir viegli iespaidojams]

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