04 Novembris 2009 @ 20:59
Funnier on paper than most people  

No matter how old we are, we are going to be bored and lonely during what remains of our lives. So I recommend that everybody here join all sorts of organizations, no matter how ridiculous, simply to get more people in his or her life. It does not matter much if all the other members are morons. Quantities of relatives of any sort are what we need.

As for boredom: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, a German philosopher who died seventy-eight years ago, had this to say: ''Against boredom even the gods contend in vain.'' We are supposed to be bored. It is a part of life. Learn to put up with it, or you will not be what i have declared the members of this graduating class to be: mature women and men.


Hate beats pure cocaine every day.