Mike Kattan: And how does it feel, Hank? Knowing that every client you represent is guilty?
Hank Palmer: It's fine. Innocent people can't afford me.
Dwight Dickham: You're a shined up wooden nickel, Mr Palmer. A bully with a bag of tricks. But unlike you, I have one simple belief. That the law is the only thing that's capable of making people equal. Now you may think that Mark Blackwell is white trash, and he may very well have been. But in the eyes of the state, his life matters. I'm going to impale your client on a first degree murder charge. And you get a front row seat
Viens riktīgi sāpīgs gabals. Un patiess. Nesmirdēja pēc tām dumajām amerikāņu klišejām. Kā par brīnumu. Jr. dēļ pavilkos? Nē, šoreiz ne tāpēc.