Nestandarts ([info]heishy) wrote 10. Februāris 2013, 21:19
Hunted by your future. Haunted by your past.

I work as a specialized assassin, in an outfit called the Loopers. When my organization from the future wants someone to die, they zap them back to me and I eliminate the target from the future. The only rule is: never let your target escape... even if your target is you.

Ask yourself: who would I sacrifice for what's MINE?

Then I saw it, I saw a mom who would die for her son, a man who would kill for his wife, a boy, angry & alone, laid out in front of him the bad path. I saw it & the path was a circle, round & round. So I changed it.

Normāls, 21. gadsimta bojeviks. Brūsiņš, ko tur vairāk piebilst un tā. Sīkajam puišelim ''osītis'' no manis. Pārliecinošs tēlojums. Un vispār šitie sīkie pundurģēniji biedē. Visās filmās uzdzen kaut kādus creeps.

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