Apskaidroja arí man to nepieciešamību pēc zīmēšanas un kāpēc tas ir svarīgi.
Un šodien Adele - Skyfall.
Piestāv dienai un noskaņojumam.
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide and days are dark
You may have my number
You can take my name
But You will never have my Heart !
Un šodien Adele - Skyfall.
Piestāv dienai un noskaņojumam.
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide and days are dark
You may have my number
You can take my name
But You will never have my Heart !
trokšņi: Adele - Skyfall
What the fuck you were thinking?