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Nov. 28th, 2016 03:54 pm

Amnesty International sāk no sasniegumiem. Nāvessodi tiek pieminēti kaut kur relīzes beigās, un arī tur ir ņemts krietni mazāk par mazāko man zināmo aplēsi. Nav brīnums, ja vēl 1989. gadā šie esot rakstījuši, ka no 1957. līdz 1989. gadam Kubā esot izpildīts tikai 21 nāvessods. Iespējams, viņi atlasīja tikai kaut kādus oficiālus tiesu spriedumus.

Fidel Castro’s achievements in improving access to public services for millions of Cubans were tempered by a systemic repression of basic freedoms during his time in power, Amnesty International said following the death of the former Cuban leader.

"There are few more polarizing political figures than Fidel Castro, a progressive but deeply flawed leader," said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas Director at Amnesty International.

After his accession to power following the 1959 revolution in Cuba, Castro oversaw dramatic improvements in access to human rights such as health and housing. This was accompanied by an unprecedented drive to improve literacy rates across the country.

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