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Vasara un dūmi - "Listen to Me Marlon" / "Paklausies, Marlon"

Jun. 5th, 2016 09:33 am "Listen to Me Marlon" / "Paklausies, Marlon" 2 comments - Leave a commentPrevious Entry Add to Memories Tell A Friend Next Entry


Date:June 5th, 2016 - 11:43 pm
'' I didn't make any great movies.
There's no such thing as a great movie.
In the kingdom of the blind,
the man with one eye is the king.
There are no artists.
We are businessmen, we're merchants.
And there is no art.
Agents, lawyers, publicity people...
It's all bullshit.
Money, money, money.
If you think it's about something else,
you're going to be bruised.''

Man tā patika. Paldies :)
Date:June 6th, 2016 - 01:44 am
Jā, un viss tādā siltā, nedaudz nogurušā balsī.
Mani ļoti uzrunāja tēva līnija, ar negaidīto noslēguma rezonansi, ka pašam kā tēvam nav veicies labāk un iztēlošanos, ka "He looked back and said: "I did the best I could, kid."