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Aug. 29th, 2020 07:22 pm

Caurmērā mierīgi protesti, valda karnevālam raksturīga līksma noskaņa ar viegli sildošajām liesmām aizmugurē.

Vispār interesants pretstats, ja palasa theguardian rakstu. Detaļās gan neesmu iedziļinājies, bet izklausās, ka par korāna dedzināšanu notiek aresti, kamēr par piedalīšanos grautiņos, pat ja arestē, tad uzreiz izlaiž atpakaļ.

"Police officers tried to control the situation by explaining their earlier arrests. “The police did not give them [the far-right activists] permission to do anything,” one officer assured a small but angry crowd gathered around him. “We arrested him as soon as a film came out on the internet showing they had burnt a Qur’an, and we arrested several of the others.”"


"A few policemen have been slightly injured, and I don’t have any reports of any members of the public being injured. We currently have 13 suspects wanted for rioting, five of them have been arrested, but they have all now been released.”

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