
16th March 2009

9:10am: So the secret is just to say 'Yes!' and jump off from here. Then there is no problem. It means to be yourself, always yourself, without sticking to an old self.

(c) Shunryu Suzuki

+ pic )
11:23am: 100 minūtes un 100 procenti tonusa.
Par cik esmu pārmeties uz centru, tad vakar skrēju jaunu distanci: Ziedoņdārzs -> Akmens tilts -> AB dambis -> Vanšu tilts -> Kronvalda parka skriešanas celiņš -> Planetārijparka skriešanas celiņš -> Vērmaņdārza skriešanas celiņš -> Ziedoņdārzs. Tomēr, ja pa lielam, pilsēta ir kaut kāda kroplība. Troksnis, cements, p*darasi. I don't need the city - ir tāda jauka dziesma grupai Neuroticfish.
Current Music: nine inch nails - that's what i get
11:45am: Vienmēr šokējos, kad man atstāsta to, ko es esot runājis pa pusmiegam vai miegam. Tas esmu tāds es, kāds nekad negribu būt. Un mana hu*ņas tik pilnā zemapziņa.
Current Music: pitchshifter - shutdown
11:48am: In the words of Henry David Thoreau
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
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