Non serviam - A tribute to Koala Wallop and the KW-verse [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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A tribute to Koala Wallop and the KW-verse [Mar. 19th, 2010|09:40 am]
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I've seen the Wallopian tubes...
A perilous journey to brave,
Yet after survived have but few.

I saw my share of horrors due
And nary escaped from the grave;
I've seen the Wallopian tubes.

I hazarded Hazard's ship's crew,
A trial to repeat which i crave,
Yet after survived have but few.

I drank from the heavenly dew
As drawn by the artistry's slaves:
I've seen the Wallopian tubes.

I wracked my head plotting askew
To thwart a vile quantum-based knave;
Yet after survived have but few.

With heavy heart this i must do -
Regretful my sanity waive,
I've seen the Wallopian tubes,
Yet after survived have but few.
Linklem tiesu

Date:March 19th, 2010 - 04:15 pm
The exact phrasing bears too unsettling a similarity to the Fallopian tubes.
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Date:March 19th, 2010 - 04:34 pm
As is intended