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September 30th, 2005

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02:19 pm

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[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2005 - 03:24 pm
Nē! Ja Tu domā tādas kuras par visām varītēm cenšas... Tad nē... Jo nu tas nav interesanti... Bet man nepatīkās, ja neko nedara bet ļoti grib...
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2005 - 04:55 pm
vajag iedrošināt! ;P
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2005 - 04:58 pm
Tu saki... :)) ?
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2005 - 05:13 pm
jāāā, nu protams! :) ja gribēs, kā saki, tad visu mūžu neklusēs

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