Some shit | Jaukumi | Atmiņas | Arhivētais |
Top top!!! - mans vārds!!!
Septembris 2009
mans vārds!!! Tātad no mana vārda iznāk kkas tāds... [kārtējais stulbums, ko atradu draugu dienasgrāmatās... G- Love is something you deeply believe in. I- You are popular with all types of people. N- One of the best in bed. T -You are one of the best in bed. A- Damn good in bed. tagad tas kā mani visi sauc... : G- Love is something you deeply believe in. R- People think you are so sexy. I- You are popular with all types of people. N- One of the best in bed. C- Love is something you truely believe in. H- You have very good personality and looks. Y- One of the hardest gangsters alive. top top!!! Tātad secinājumi!!! ^_^ |
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Some shit | Jaukumi | Atmiņas | Arhivētais |