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Izslēgšna? [24. Aug 2011|11:15]
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Obituary notice. It is with the great sadness we announce, that the life of Apollo's IRCnet server reached its final days, and in the nearest future will be switched off, probably without a warning. For nearly ten years it was fun to chat on a national server, connected to one of biggest networks, but all good things happen to cease someday.

Thank you for being with us, and I've enjoyed my tenure with the company to serve you. If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know, I would be glad to help however I can.

[User Picture]
Date:24. Augusts 2011 - 13:50
[User Picture]
Date:24. Augusts 2011 - 14:11
esmu ko palaidis garām laikam, brivākā brīdī apjautāšos Gunāram kas tur...