Заметки алкоголика и придурка

3. Jūlijs 2024


- They seek a more Soviet model of government

- They already achieved it in many areas. People getting "cancelled" was standard in the Eastern Block. If you had sinned against the dogmata or even just had a suspect backround (ie. you didn't do anything but your parents did, and you haven't been active enough in publicly denouncing them) then you'd only get bottom-tier shit kind of job, wouldn't be allowed to go to university (and back then universities actually imparted valuable education, save for those teaching marxism-leninism), and could forget about things like having your opinions published in the newspaper etc. Seems pretty identical to what's going on in the US right now, the only difference being that it doesn't have the scale yet (but is made up for by viciousness, it feels).

Or consider Biden - a bona fide Brezhnev. People ask why democrats don't field literally anyone else, and the answer is the same as for why Brezhnev stuck around until he died - inner party politics.

What I find fascinating is that most people don't see such obvious parallels.


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