Заметки алкоголика и придурка
21. Aprīlis 2023
"What percentage of your staff did you fire at Twitter?"
"That seems like a lot"
"If you're not trying to run some glorified activist organisation and you don't care that much about censorship, you can let go of a lot of people it turns out"

"Safe" never implied physical or mental safety, but instead safety from ever being questioned. This word they use reveals their deception - appealing to peoples' instinct to protect the vulnerable from harm, when in reality making public spaces "safe" for these groups only gives them an unfair advantage over all other groups. Domination through accepted speech.
Some of them may actually believe they are unsafe unless they're surrounded by the neutered lower class groups, i.e "allies", but that's not surprising considering how paranoid and twitchy the mentally unstable are. And like most, once they see an opportunity for hoarding privileges, they go for it.
16:39 - zeķu problēmas fināla solūcija
-Pēc katras mazgāšanas reizes jasēž kādas 20 minūtes, lai rūpīgi atrastu kurai zeķei atbilst kura cita. Daudzas ir gandrīz neatšķiramas, bet tomēr nav pāris.
-Pēc katras mazgāšanas reizes uzpeld pa kādai zeķei "vientuļniecei". Otra caura vai pazudusi.
Solūšens - domāju maksimāli nodragāt atlikušos zeķu pārus (jo esmu ekonomisks un pragmatisks cilvēks (tūlīt, haha)) un tad atrast kādu veici, kur var vairumā nopirkt kādu viena un tā paša veida pāri par ne vairāk kā 2eur un sapirkties pārus 50 vienā reizē. Jebkura zeķe der kopā ar jebkuru citu zeķi un nekas nav jāšķiro. Ja viena saplīst vai pazūd, poh. Abas augstāk minētās problēmas momentāni iznīcinātas uz vairākiem gadiem, kamēr netiek nopirkts jauns blāķis.