Заметки алкоголика и придурка

29. Jūlijs 2021


Kāpēc nabaga bēgļi no Baltkrievijas saņem tādu fašistisku uzņemšanu? Kas mēs kaut kāda Ungārija?


Labs jociņš (bez ironijas) par feiko Kanādas bērnu genocīdu:

"What do we do with all those native kids?"

"Eh, slaughter them all. Even the children of these subhumans are not worth the effort"

"Understood. Hah, the vultures will enjoy the feast"

"What the fuck? No, bury them beside our church. We're not savages. You sicken me."

07:43 - patiesība ir tik traucējoša

NEW - Left-wing extremist group stormed the offices of the Austrian news site "oe24" because it named the Afghan nationality of the four perpetrators in the murder and rape case of 13-year-old Leonie (BILD)


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