Заметки алкоголика и придурка

30. Marts 2021

00:03 - šodien rubrikā "Opras padomi"

This lady stopped plucking her bushy eyebrows and removing her mustache in order to "weed out conservative people" from her life

07:30 - akadēmija [current year]

All Royal Institute of Technology students are forced to study "equality and diversity"
Published March 8, 2021 at 11:43 AM
DOMESTIC. All educational programs at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, will in the future contain "a compulsory part on gender equality and diversity" The component will begin to be integrated from the autumn semester 2021, the university writes in a press release.
- "We have reached a turning point. Today, it is unusual to question gender equality work. Most people are involved and say "Now we drive"", says Anna Wahl, who is vice rector for gender equality and values at KTH.
KHT has struggled with the fact that for natural genetic reasons it is mostly men who are interested in and apply for technical education. This relationship is contrary to the prevailing ideology in Sweden, the so-called cultural Marxism.
This is a total of 50 programs that will "integrate knowledge about gender equality and diversity" in 2021, according to KTH.
During the academic year 2022, a "research-based educational block on gender equality and diversity" will be integrated into all education at KTH. All 120 programs, from undergraduate level up to doctoral level, are affected.

The Swedish Government wants to introduce basic value requirements for all research
Published March 7, 2021 at 1:21 p.m.

DOMESTIC. All research and teaching at universities in Sweden must be conducted "on the basis of the values that apply", according to a bill from the government. The proposal intimidates researchers, who warn that free research is threatened.
In its new research bill, the Government states that the principle of academic freedom does not mean "that the university or those operating at the university are free from control or regulation".
-"The free search for knowledge and the free dissemination of knowledge" should instead "always be exercised within the legal framework that exists and on the basis of the values that apply", the government continues.
The wording is in the so-called constitutional commentary, which has a direct impact on how courts and authorities are to apply the legislation itself.
With its wording, the legislator shows "in black and white that the government intends to condition academic freedom on values". Professors Lars Hultman and Christina Moberg, both members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, write this in an article on DN Debatt.
Decisions on the bill will be made in the Riksdag on 21 April, with introduction on 1 July.
Hultman and Moberg address the following appeal to the members of the Riksdag:
- "Vote no to the bill! Delete the basic values reference! Instead, our universities should be given greater institutional freedom and political clumsiness kept at arm's length."

"dunno if you foreign scum understand what "basic value" means, but it means that you have to adhere strictly to a set (by SweGov of course) of SJW rules"


Verticality, hierarchy, quality and similar are thrown out for the sake of flattening all particulars and individual phenomena into the same plane of "goodness" or "validity". "Everything goes" can only be true if there are no qualities at all, but if you so much as admit superiority of one thing (normalcy) over another (distortion), then from there necessarily proceed the support and promotion of normalcy, and suppression of its opposite; "tolerance" must go only so far as to give some "breathing space" and time to troubled individuals to reconsider their behaviour, not to tacitly accept their excesses as "not that bad".

19:46 - par ko nestāsta diversitātes kursos

Te jau Ulvs kaut kad par to lika, bet tam vajag vairāk posteritātes. Cik daudz no mazgadīgajiem Mtf gribētājiem apzinās, ka atlikušo dzīvi starp kājām būs smirdīga strutojoša brūce, kas regulāri jābaksta ar fallu, lai tā neaizvērtos? Cik daudz "transcilvēcības" fanu spēj par to domāt everythingisallright.jpg modusā. Varbūt naciķiem bija taisnība par Hiršfelda grāmatām.

Labāk negūglējiet "neovagina". :/

Te kaut kad tovarisči (tēloti) interesējās par transkropļošanas rituālu monetāro ienesīgumu. Laikam nav tik švaki kā pats biju iedomājies. Pat nepieskaitot naudiņas, kas tiek atņemtas cilvēkiem, lai barotu visādus papardes ziedus un kolūdējošos birokrātus:

Global Market Insights, Inc. has recently added a new report on sex reassignment surgery market which estimates the global market valuation for sex reassignment surgery will exceed US$ 1.5 billion by 2026.

Papildus tam mums ir revolucionārie aktīvisti, kas piestrādā pretošanās pagrīdē un izplata diversitāti neformālākos veidos:

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