Заметки алкоголика и придурка

18. Februāris 2021

11:33 - zinātne 2021

Researcher's alarm: "Impossible to get kindergarten children to want to play "mother-father-child" with two mothers or two fathers"
Published February 3, 2021 at 1:45 p.m.

DOMESTIC. Preschool children's "repeat heteronormativity". This is the conclusion of a new research from a researcher at the University of Gothenburg who tried to get kindergarten children to play homosexual games.

- "No one came up with the solution that the Barbie dolls could marry each other," the university writes about the children in the study.

Lena Sotevik will defend her dissertation on Friday with the dissertation "Barbie weddings and gay dogs. Children and childhoods in relation to queerness and (hetero) normative lifelines".

During the work on the study, Sotevik has tried to get kindergarten children to learn to play homosexual games, but the results have been disappointing. (cik žēl, ka jūsu bērni vēl nav sabojāti - jāizlabo)

According to a press release from the University of Gothenburg, Lena Sotevik could during her ethnographic study at the kindergarten "see that the games often repeat norms".

- "For example, there was a conflict when someone wanted two mothers in the play mother-father-child. Another example is that there were problems when the children were playing weddings with Barbie dolls and discovered that there was only one Ken doll. The solution was "that the Ken doll had to rotate around among the many Barbie dolls. No one came up with the solution that the Barbie dolls could marry each other", writes the University of Gothenburg.

In her dissertation, Lena Sotevik has also analyzed 30 preschool's local policy documents in the form of equal treatment plans. In them it is clearly stated that the children should be made aware of "different family constellations". But the working method is reactive rather than proactive, warns Sotevik. (nevar vienkārši būt neitrālam un atbildēt uz jautājumiem - ir jāmāca, ka gay IS GOOD)

- "The preschools did not plan activities to bring different family constellations into the games. Instead, they intend to answer the children's questions and address the question when spontaneous situations arise", she says.

Sotevik has also studied reactions to a series in Bamse that portrayed homosexuality and interviewed the staff at a so-called LGBTQ-certified preschool.

- "It is clear that there is a charge around this issue. I want the study to lead to a continued discussion about how to understand queerness from a child perspective and for everyone to think about how to make different norms about family, love and future visible", says Lena Sotevik.


progresīvā "zinātniece" - "Fucking kids! Why can't they be GAY and PROGRESSIVE?!"
Lūk kas notiek, kad seksuāli deģenerāti ar spēcīgu ideoloģisku fonu iefiltrējas akadēmijā un sāk uzdot savas vēlmju domāšanas par zinātni un savas psihiskās novirzes par normu. Godājamā pētniece izsaka dziļu neapmierinātību ar to, ka bērni liekas pārāk normāli un nepavelkās uz pervju provokācijām iesaistīties alfabētspēlēs, izvēlas uzvesties tā pat kā viņu heteroseksuālie vecāki. Secinājums - jāuzgriež smadzeņu skalošana vēl par pāris pakāpēm augstāk.


Runājot par sraču un absolūtajiem meliem, ko daži labi pašpasludināti "informētie" sludina:
“There are virtually no published reports, even case studies, of adolescents withdrawing from puberty-suppressing drugs and then resuming the normal pubertal development typical for their sex.”

And the fact that few withdraw from this treatment may simply indicate that “these treatments increase the likelihood that the patients’ cross-gender identification will persist.”

Indeed, the use of these drugs to treat gender dysphoria is entirely “off label,” meaning parents who would never feed their children food that wasn’t tested by the FDA or give them toys that weren’t approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission are signing their kids up to receive drugs that are purely experimental at this stage.

Children can’t consent to this. How can parents agree to this on their behalf?

nemaz nerunājot, ka
In fact, as the authors note, the vast majority of children with gender dysphoria grow out of it.

Vobšem, ja tu laikus nenošpricē bērnu vai pats neesi viņa abjūzers, viņš visdrīzāk izaugs normāls un dīvainības pāries līdz ar pieaugšanu. Vispār kāds absurds, ka neviens vairs neatceras laikus, kad vecāki vienkārši pavīpsnāja par savu bērneļu "pārejas vecumu". Tagad, ja kaut mazākās uzvedības novirzes no kādas nezināmas normas, tā gāžam iekšā tabletes un hormonus. It kā ar pašu sīču hormonu vētrām nav gana, vajag vēl ieliet eļļu ugunī. What could go wrong.

20:33 - pēc četriem gadiem histēriska naida...

Tāds krindž pat sovokā nebija.:D
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