Заметки алкоголика и придурка

26. Janvāris 2021


Puse no Bidē kabineta pārstāv tautu, kas sastāda 1% ASV kopējās populācijas. Kur bļāvieni par privilēģijām un diversitātes trūkumu? Kāpēc ASV galvas pilsēta nav Telaviva? Kad būs tuvākais karš ar kādu no Izraēlas ienaidniekiem?

16:05 - par prieku labajiem komjauniešiem

Concentration Camps for COVID in New York
New York legislators have introduced a bill that would authorize state health officials to detain people without charges.

The law would apply in the event the government declares a health emergency, like the ones in force for essentially all of 2020, which were used to justify the COVID lockdowns.

The legislation would allow the state to arrest and hold anyone with a communicable disease, a carrier of that disease, or a contact of someone with the disease. So, basically anyone.

After three days detainees can ‘request’ release, at which point the government has an additional three days, plus holidays and weekends, to seek a court order.

If they don’t receive a court order after 5 days, only then must they release the detainee.

So you could potentially be held for a solid two weeks without a court even hearing about it.

But that’s only if you request release... otherwise they can detain you for up to 60 days before receiving a court order.

And after the initial court order, they need only request a court review every 90 days to continue to detain you, in the name of a communicable disease.

It's just three months in a concentration camp without charges… and then another three months… and another.

I’m sure this will do wonders for New York’s crumbling tourism sector.

Bill here:
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