Заметки алкоголика и придурка

3. Decembris 2020

01:54 - Pedofix atkal pārspēj sevi progresīvismā D:

"The new Netflix movie with Sophia Loren: The Life Ahead
86 year old Loren plays a holocaust survivor and former sex worker, who takes in a black Muslim Orphan. Her neighbour is a single parent Tranny."

Pēc tām plastiskajām viņa pati izskatās pēc tranija.

17:00 - who has dominion over USA

Zō, ASV elektroniskā balsošanas sistēma Dominion pieder Ķīnas valstij. Burtiski.

18:02 - cik daudz absurda un ļaunuma vienā stāstā

An elderly Canadian woman was killed by her doctor because she would rather be dead than go through another COVID lockdown. When it looked like she would have to be confined to her room for two weeks, she asked for — and received — the lethal jab due to declining mental health and vitality. From the CTV story:

Russell, described by her family as exceptionally social and spry, was one such person. Her family says she chose a medically-assisted death (MAID) after she declined so sharply during lockdown that she didn’t want to go through more isolation this winter…

This time, doctors approved her. Russell would not have to go through another lockdown in her care home. “She just truly did not believe that she wanted to try another one of those two-week confinements into her room,” her daughter said.

But note, for her death, she could be surrounded by friends and family!

When 90-year-old Nancy Russell died last month, she was surrounded by friends and family. They clustered around her bed, singing a song she had chosen to send her off, as a doctor helped her through a medically-assisted death.

So companionship to be made dead but not to remain alive. And her family thinks this was a fine option, demonstrating how the social mindset becomes twisted by euthanasia consciousness.

But, we are told, killing to end suffering is oh soooo compassionate! And lockdowns are measures of good public health! Bah!



Gillete utml. korpu uzvedība parāda, ka peļņa viņiem sekundāra lieta. Viņus tā pat sponsorē (((sponsori))), kuri naudu izņem no mūsu kabatām bez mūsu ziņas un piekrišanas caur ar vien pieaugošiem nodokļiem un soda naudām. Tāpēc var atļauties nodoties propagandai 24/7. Kaut kādu skūšanās štrumentu ražošana blakus nodarbe, lai būtu oficiālā fasāde.

Tas tēls, kur nēģeru bullis drāž baltu pasīvo pideru kopā ar nēģeru bulli, kas drāž balto sievieti, jau kļuvis par (((reklāmdevēju))) klasiku. Uzkrītoši, ka šo tēlu ir mērķis 'embeddot' baltajiem cilvēkiem dziļi apziņas un zemapziņas dzīlēs kā pašsaprotamu lietu. Liels agresīvs nēģeris tevi drāzīs forever. Nu jā un maskulinitāte tas ir tad, kad esi miesās kusls, vājš, izdēdējis, neveselīgu uzturu lietojis mentāls kroplis. Visiem vīriešiem, lūdzu, uz tādu tiekties saskaņā ar ukazu 666.

21:44 - 6uild 6ack 6etter

Mafijai jauns sauklis.


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