Заметки алкоголика и придурка

12. Septembris 2020

18:00 - dots pret dotu

So, there we have it. Conservatives have better impulse control than liberals, which is why liberals tend towards childish behavior. But liberals are more willing to change the way they see things in response to new information.

Or are they? The second finding might seem to jar with other studies, which have found that liberals are actually more dogmatic than conservatives. When faced with information which challenges their fundamental worldview, it has been shown that liberals are actually more likely to dismiss empirical evidence and stick to their dogmas than are conservatives [Are Conservatives Really More Simple‐Minded than Liberals? The Domain Specificity of Complex Thinking, by L. Conway et al. Political Psychology, 2015].


However, they are also high in Neuroticism, defined as feeling negative feelings strongly [Mental Illness and the Left, by Emil Kirkegaard, Mankind Quarterly, 2020]. Thus, when a particular change challenges their worldview, such as in what scientists think about an issue, they will be overcome by feelings of anxiety in a way that is not the case with the more mentally stable conservative when an aspect of his worldview is challenged. Liberals react to this through cognitive dissonance, whereby they will become emotional and angry, allaying their anxiety by becoming even more fervently attached to their worldview.

So, this explains the paradox of liberals being more open to change but also more dogmatic when their fundamental worldview is empirically challenged.
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